Introducing AireWall™
Airedale are proud to announce our new fan wall solution, AireWall™, which will be on display next week at the Data Centre World Exhibition in London.
Airedale’s latest product in their IT cooling portfolio is a precision cooling Computer Room Air Handling (CRAH) unit developed specifically for low energy, high density data centre applications. It removes the need for both pressurised raised floor systems and overhead cooling systems, and with several options available ranging from 170-400kW cooling power, gives more flexibility and scalability to data centre operators.
The AireWall™ comprises a filter and fan bank, a damper section and a chilled water heat exchanger. The damper section can be installed separately to maintain a clean data hall environment and individual sections can be removed for maintenance. The modular construction also allows for narrower plant corridors, meaning more white space.
AireWall’s integrated, intelligent controls mean it is self-regulating and highly adaptive to changing loads and the range has been designed to operate at low SFP to help achieve low installation PUE.
AireWall’s flexible and modular design lends itself to new build data centres as well as upgrades, capacity expansions and equipment replacements in existing facilities. Maintenance costs are typically lower than other cooling solutions due to easy, direct access via the plant room and the absence of computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units also frees up more space in the data centre for direct business use.
Airedale have developed the AireWall™ range to be utilised with the new Bluefin fans from Ziehl-Abegg. The Bluefin fans take inspiration from the fin of the humpback whale and have a bionic design, are airflow optimized and boast an efficiency increase of up to 15%. The corrugated blades ensure an optimised flow angle and reduced flow separation of the blade surface, for a diffuse sound output and significantly reduced noise.
Quieter than more typical air cooling methods, AireWall™ is available as a 4, 6, or 8 fan model with coils up to 10 rows deep, offering a wide range of air and waterside duties. All of this means that AireWall™ is a flexible, powerful, efficient and intelligent solution for data centre cooling.
Key Benefits:
- Ideal for application on solid floor data centre installations with aisle containment, saving cost of raised access floor.
- Delivers uniform cooling airflow to data centre equipment
- Highly adaptive to IT load conditions due to intelligent controls and variable speed fans
- N+ design with smart controls guarantees 24/7 operation without loss of cooling capacity
- Low specific fan power (SFP) results in improved installation power usage effectiveness (PUE)
- Compact sections to facilitate installation in constrained service corridors
- Suitable for side by side installation for reduced footprint
- Easy filter replacement from service corridor
- Certified low pressure components resulting in low operational and ownership costs
- Durable double skinned construction with painted finish guaranteeing safe and reliable operation for the lifetime of the product
- Near silent fans with high efficiency
- Chilled water cooling coils with drain tray and accessible headers with flanged connections for ease of installation and inspection
- Modular options available
- For larger facilities, AireWall™ facilitates the option of slave units (eg 2×8 fan modules with a single controller operating both sections).
- Close control of temperature with averaging temperature sensor
Find out more about AireWall™For more information about the AireWall™ and to see the unit itself, please visit us at Data Centre World Exhibition, ExCel, London. 12-13 March 2019. Stand no D1130. To speak to us directly please contact [email protected]