Yorkshire Building Society
Based in Bradford, West Yorkshire, the Yorkshire Building Society’s head office and main call centre are part of two purpose-built £40 million developments, employing over 1000 people. Representing £10 million of this investment, the call centre accommodates workstations for 300 staff; refreshment and staff comfort zones and a data centre.
The challenge
Spread over four floors, the 3,200 m2 of operational space in this sealed building is now fully utilised, with people and computers creating a high heat gain. In this business critical application, calls are constantly received from branches, investors and borrowers twelve hours a day, six days a week. During this time, continuous operation is crucial. With the call centre at full capacity, an existing, standard chiller was unable to cope with the increasing heat load and maintain temperatures at the required 23ºC setpoint, leading to uncomfortable working conditions for the staff.
Airedale solution
One Ultima FreeCool 500kW dual-circuit chiller equipped with intelligent AireTronix controls
Two AlphaCool Precision Air Conditioning units maintain precise temperature and humidity control of the space.
- The Yorkshire Building Society can also benefit from the inclusion of the UFC on the Energy Technology List due to the chiller’s proven energy efficient performance.
“Quality was important but energy efficiency was the crucial factor and Airedale proved that its free-cooling chiller can save energy and is the right system for us. The initial purchase price is far outweighed by the savings we can make on running costs. Anything that improves payback is of interest to the Society. We have also had good service from other Airedale products.”
Steven Ward, Premises Engineer, Yorkshire Building Society